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Dogs and Babies: No Laughing Matter

January 16, 2016

Have you seen all those adorable youtube videos of kids and dogs? You know, the ones where the dog is being endlessly patient while it’s poked, prodded, squeezed, and hugged by and adoring toddler?
While these videos are so cute to watch, we often overlook the danger signs. Many dogs give us lots of warning that they may be stressed or uncomfortable but we don’t know what to look for.
In this video I was playing with my 8 month old daughter at the time while my 9 year old Maltese Quincy sat near us on the couch. It wasn’t until I watched the video that I realized how stressed poor Quincy was by her adorable laughter!

Educate yourself and be your dog’s advocate…he’s entitled to as much enjoyment of his home as the rest of the family:)

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Written By

Danielle Hodges, CPDT-KA


(416) 399-3179