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Preventing Separation Anxiety

March 16, 2024

Preventing Separation Anxiety
Ensuring your furry friend feels secure when you're not around is crucial for their happiness and your home's harmony. Separation anxiety can stress out our pups, but there are plenty of friendly tips to prevent it and keep everyone feeling good:
1. START SMALL: Leave your pup alone for short periods and gradually increase the time as they get more comfortable with solo time.
2. Cozy Corner: Set up a special spot for your dog with their favourite toys and comfortable bedding, whether a crate or a room and make it their safe haven.
3. Chill departures: Dogs can pick up on our leaving signals, so try desensitizing them by doing these cues without actually leaving.
4. Mix up the routine: Change your leaving routine now and then to keep your dog from associating specific actions with your departure.
5. Reward independence: Praise and treats go a long way! Whenever your pup is calm and content alone, show them some love.
6. Playtime puzzles: Interactive toys and puzzles that dispense treats are great for keeping your dog entertained when you're away.
7. Stick to the schedule: Dogs love routine, so keeping a consistent schedule for meals, walks, and playtime helps them feel secure.
8. Pre-departure exercise: A good workout before you leave can help your dog feel more relaxed and less anxious.
9. Keep it cool: Stay calm during departures and arrivals to show your dog that it's no biggie when you come and go.
10. Comforting scents: Leave behind an item with your scent to provide comfort and familiarity while away.
11. Training time: Basic commands like 'stay' and 'wait' can boost your dog's confidence and help manage their behaviour when you're gone.
12. Background beats: Soft music or white noise can create a soothing atmosphere for your pup while you're out.
13. Get professional help: A professional dog trainer can offer tailored advice and support if the anxiety persists.
14. No punishment: Punishing anxious behaviour can worsen things. Stick to positive reinforcement and gradual desensitization.
15. Doggy daycare or a pet sitter: If possible, enlist the help of a doggy daycare or a pet sitter to provide companionship when you're away for extended periods.
Remember that patience and consistency are essential when addressing separation anxiety. Finding the most effective strategies for your furry friend may take time since every dog is unique. If the problem persists, there's no shame in consulting with a vet to rule out any underlying health issues contributing to the anxiety.
Written by Jon


(416) 399-3179